Report your Concerns


There are many reporting channels available to you. You can report concerns or your knowledge of potential violations to your supervisor, the Chief Compliance Officer (352-294-8720), the Chief Audit Executive (352-392-1391), or to the office responsible for ensuring compliance with a specific law or policy. Also refer to Options for Reporting Concerns and Filing Complaints.

University offices that can receive and follow-up on specific compliance or ethics-related issues include:


UF Compliance Hotline

You can also report your concerns by calling the UF Compliance Hotline. The University of Florida Compliance Hotline is a 24-hour, 7 days-a-week resource for reporting potential legal, policy, or ethical conduct violations or concerns. You have the option to remain anonymous when submitting reports via the Compliance Hotline, and University policy prohibits retaliation against employees who report any concern in good faith. Some examples of potential legal, policy, or ethical conduct violations include:

  • Academic Fraud
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Accounting/Audit Irregularities
  • Computer Misuse/Information Security
  • Discrimination
  • Employee Relations
  • Fraud, Theft, Waste, or Abuse
  • Grant Misconduct
  • Harassment
  • Privacy/Personal Information Security
  • Scientific/Research Misconduct

There are two ways to report through the Compliance Hotline:

[Please note: Events presenting an immediate threat to life or property should be reported via 911, not the Compliance Hotline. Additionally, student concerns such as disputes with another student, grade appeals or academic matters, concerns with quality of instruction, or roommate concerns should not be reported via the Compliance Hotline. For those matters, please contact your college Dean’s Office or the Division of Student Affairs.]


The University’s Compliance Hotline is provided by ComplianceLine, an independent third-party vendor, staffed by an experienced team trained in interviewing and documenting information. Your call to the University of Florida Compliance Hotline will not be traced or tape recorded. Additionally, University officials reviewing your report will keep your identity (if you provide it) and report information confidential to the extent allowable by law. However, please be aware that your report may lead to a University investigation during which your identity may become known or inadvertently discovered.

What Happens After A Report

The University of Florida takes all reported concerns seriously. Reports provided both by phone or through the web portal will be provided to University of Florida officials for review. Depending upon the nature of the issue reported, the reviewing officials may provide the information to the applicable University office to conduct the review and any necessary investigation. Should the University need more information or have follow-up questions for you, a University official will contact you directly (if you provided your contact information) or will contact you through the ComplianceLine service (if you remained anonymous).