Gifts Rules
All UF Employees
- Cannot solicit or accept gifts from anyone if the UF personnel’s official action or judgment would be influenced by the gift.
Reporting Individuals and Procurement Employees
- Cannot solicit a gift from a vendor or lobbyist Cannot accept a gift from a vendor or lobbyist if the gift is valued over $100
College of Medicine Employees
- There are additional restrictions on COM employees accepting gifts from the pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology industry. (See COM Policy below)
- Procurement Employees: UF employees with a P-Card or any role in procurement involving more than $10,000 in a fiscal year.
- Reporting Employees: UF employees who file a Form 1 disclosure with the Florida Commission on Ethics.
- When referring to gifts from vendors, this includes current and potential vendors.
- It is often difficult to tell whether you are or might be improperly influenced by a gift. When in doubt, decline the gift.
- Each scenario is very fact specific. Please contact us at to discuss any gift questions or issues that may arise.