The Office of ADA is responsible for this focus area.
The office provides a number of equity-related activities; these include facilitating accommodations, providing consultation, education, and training workshops.
For more information about this training and other educational opportunities, please visit the Office of ADA Compliance.
The UF Athletics Association (UAA) Compliance Office is responsible for this focus area.
Intercollegiate athletics is impacted by multiple laws and regulations and gives rise to a wide range of legal and compliance issues and regulatory scrutiny due to its high visibility. The mission of the UF Athletics Association Compliance Office is to advance the University of Florida’s uncompromising and enthusiastic commitment to the highest standards of ethical behavior and strictly adhere to the letter and the spirit of NCAA principles of institutional control.
For educational materials on applicable rules and other resources, please visit the Athletics Compliance-Rules and Publications website.
The Assistant Director of Clery Act Compliance is responsible for administration of the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, and the Stop Campus Hazing Act.
The Clery Act is part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), which is written into Title IV. The spirit of the Clery Act is consumer protection and transparency regarding campus safety. This is done by providing students, prospective students, parents, and employees access to accurate information about crimes committed on campuses, campus security procedures, and information, as well as information about prevention programming. Institutions of higher education are required to report statistics on specified crimes on or near college campuses and to provide other safety and crime information to members of the campus community.
The Clery Act also requires institutions to designate and provide training for those employees who have federally mandated responsibilities to report crimes or other incidents that are reported to them. These individuals are called Campus Security Authorities or CSAs.
In 2013 the Clery Act was amended to include the Violence Against Women Act, adding additional crime categories and prevention programming. In 2024, the Clery Act was again amended to include the Stop Campus Hazing Act, adding hazing as a crime category, prevention programming, and a biannual transparency report.
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act is part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), which is written into Title IV. This program includes a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) that is published annually and a Biennial Review of the program's effectiveness.
The Assistant Director of Clery Act Compliance provides training that is required for all CSAs on an annual basis through the MyTraining platform. For more information on the CSA Training, please visit the Campus Security Authorities webpage.
Rebecca DeCesare, PhD, Assistant Director, Clery Act Compliance at or (352) 294-3579
The UF Conflicts of Interest (COI) Program as a part of UF Research, Integrity, Security and Compliance (RISC) has responsibilities for this focus area.
As part of UF Research, Integrity, Security and Compliance (RISC), the central Conflicts of Interest (COI) Program reviews and manages prior approval of outside activities and financial interests, and financial conflicts of interest related to research.
UF COI Program administers UFOLIO (UF Online Interest Organizer), the online reporting system for UF employees to disclose their reportable outside activities and financial interests.
UF COI Program reviews and manages significant financial interests that have the potential to bias research. The program ensures UF is in compliance with sponsor and federal conflicts of interest regulations.
Conflicts of Interest
Research Integrity, Security and Compliance (RISC)
PO Box 115500
Gainesville, FL 32611-5500
Phone: 352-392-9174
The Division of Environmental Health & Safety is responsible for this focus area.
The Division's mission is to minimize injury and illness to faculty, staff, students, and visitors and to minimize damage to University property. Inherent in this mission is the charge to provide a safe and healthy environment in which the University’s activities can be pursued.
The Division of Environmental Health and Safety provides many resources to the University of Florida community on a host of topics including biological safety, boating safety, building codes, chemical and radioactive waste disposal, diving science and safety, laboratory safety, and occupational medicine, and occupational safety. For more information, please visit their website.
Environmental Health & Safety provides a wide variety of training to UF employees, students, and volunteers.
Shailendra Singh, PhD, MBA,CHMM EH&S Director or (352)392-1591
The Division of Finance and Accounting is responsible for this focus area.
As stewards of public and university funds, we all have a great responsibility to protect these resources by prudent decision-making, a disciplined approach, and high ethical standards.
Employees, including faculty and staff, with specific responsibilities for financial management including sponsored funds, are held to a higher standard in ensuring financial integrity. Accountability encompasses the obligation to report, explain, and answer for resulting consequences.
The Division of Finance and Accounting provides comprehensive training for fiscal staff including The Color of Money, Fraud Awareness Training, and Fiscal Responsibility for Leaders. For more information, please visit Recommended Fiscal Training.
UF Health Compliance Services is responsible for this focus area.
UF Health Compliance Services assists and advises all UF Health employees on how to interpret and implement federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations.
The offices, both in Gainesville and in Jacksonville, assist clinical departments with identifying and monitoring potential risk areas and improving policies and practices as needed. They also monitor government enforcement and auditing trends and use this data to develop an annual work plan to enhance UF Health’s compliance in targeted areas. In addition, they regularly respond to inquiries and allegations of non-compliance in the healthcare space.
UF Health Compliance Services provides multiple training and guidance on laws and regulations related to healthcare compliance. For more information, please visit the Compliance Services website.
352-627 -9050 for Gainesville or
904-244-1979 for Jacksonville
Human Resources is responsible for this focus area.
The Office of Human Resource Services’ strategic commitment to the university community aligns with the University of Florida’s strategic goals. This commitment directly supports UF’s aspiration to be a premier university that the state, nation and world look to for leadership as well as UFHR’s obligation to help create the conditions needed to achieve preeminence through people. Keeping a long-term focus while identifying short-term priorities, this road map outlines how we will better meet the needs of the university as we all work together to fulfill the University of Florida’s strategic goals for the decade ahead. We are committed to integrity, responsiveness, valuing people, excellence, and collaboration, and we look forward to working with you.
UF Training & Organizational Development partners with other training providers and departments to centralize information and record-keeping related to compliance training efforts.
At this link, you can find information about contacting UF Human Resources, including a contact form, email addresses for various departments within HR, PO Boxes and physical addresses of our various locations across campus.
The UF Information Security Office each has responsibilities for this focus area.
Cybersecurity is critical for higher education institutions as they have massive amounts of data, including personal information about students, faculty, staff, and donors. Optimizing the University of Florida's data security, the Information Security Office takes an active role, advises on best practices, and recommends the appropriate security resources to manage information security risks.
The office also performs risk assessments on information systems and has developed an Integrated Risk Management Program (IRM) to provide UF faculty and staff with a single point of contact for digital business tools and solutions. Additionally, the Information Security Office works with the UF Office of Privacy in ensuring compliance with the privacy and security laws and protection of personal and confidential data.
The UF Information Security Office provides important training. Protecting UF: Information Security Awareness Training is required for faculty and staff upon hire and on an annual basis and is available through the MyTraining platform.
For Information Security:
UF Privacy Office has responsibilities for this focus area.
The University of Florida (UF) is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality and security of restricted Information created, received, stored, or transmitted by UF so that it is only used or disclosed in accordance with UF's policies and federal, state, and international regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GBLA), the Red Flags Rule, and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The UF Privacy Office offers many training opportunities. For more information, please contact the Privacy Team.
The Records Management Liaison Officer is responsible for developing University-wide records management policies and services, maintaining records retention schedules, and for assisting with the collection and preservation of selected records and associated materials for the University.
The State of Florida defines public records through record retention schedules which describe a record or series of records and assigns a retention period [Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C.] State law also outlines the requirements for the disposal of public records and assigns these responsibilities to a designated RMLO. The University Records Manager fulfils this requirement and liaises with the FL Division of Library and Information Services. Every employee is responsible for following record retention rules.
The State of Florida defines public records through record retention schedules which describe a record or series of records and assigns a retention period [Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C.] State law also outlines the requirements for the disposal of public records and assigns these responsibilities to a designated Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO.) The University Records Manager fulfills this requirement and liaises with the FL Division of Library and Information Services. Every employee is responsible for following record retention rules.
The UF Information Security Office provides important information on the destruction of records.
The secure destruction of paper, electronic records, and media containing restricted data is required at the University of Florida. Failure to properly dispose of documents and media, such as hard drives, USBs, and CDs, that hold restricted data can cause significant risk to UF and its faculty, students, and staff.
Faculty and staff should know that different media types (e.g., paper, CD, files stored on encrypted hard drives, etc.) have different destruction methods. The Securely Deleting Electronic and Paper Records webpage includes a chart with a complete list of media types and disposal methods. If your department is moving or has a need to dispose of a significant volume of paper files, UF Procurement Services offers bulk-shredding services for university records as well as media that is required to be destroyed. UF Property Surplus also provides electronic media secure disposal services.
The RMLO offers an introductory training module on basic records management concepts. For more information, please visit their website.
The UF Information Security Office provides important educational information on deleting records securely. For more information, please visit their website.
Several Divisions of UF Research are responsible for this focus area.
The Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) facilitates UF approval for all extramural proposal submissions, accepts and administers grant awards, and negotiates contracts and other research-related agreements on the behalf of the University of Florida.
The Division of Research Integrity Security & Compliance assists faculty, staff, and students conduct research in compliance with applicable research regulatory requirements and institutional policies. Research Integrity is responsible for the following areas: Foreign Activities Disclosure, Global Support, Export Controls, Research Integrity and Research Misconduct, and Research Conflict of Interest.
The Division of Contracts & Grants provides post award financial management and support utilizing the myUFL Grant Accounting System. Responsibilities include project set-up, billing of sponsors, accounts receivable, financial reporting, cost sharing, and closeouts.
The Division of Research Operations & Services (DROS) mission is to facilitate research within applicable regulatory requirements. DROS collaborates with faculty, staff, students, and other units around campus to not only ensure compliance but to also streamline/simplify required processes and improve efficiency. DROS-affiliated programs/units include: the Institutional Review Boards, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, the Human Research Protection Program, the Institutional Biosafety Committee, and the Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research.
The Division of Research Program Development (DRPD) identifies funding opportunities for faculty, manages internal funding programs, coordinates UF applicant selection for limited submission programs, and helps plan and coordinate large, interdisciplinary research initiatives.
UF Innovate supports an innovation ecosystem at UF that moves research discoveries from the laboratory to the market, fostering a resilient economy and making the world a better place.
In order to conduct research safely and in compliance with regulatory requirements, there are many trainings that need to be completed by faculty and researchers prior to and during the conduct of the research. Further, staff who process proposals, administer grant awards and negotiate contracts and other research-related agreements in support of this research also need to complete required training. Please check here for the list of the required trainings for either Faculty and Researchers or Staff.
Title IX Compliance is responsible for this focus area.
The office ensures the university responds appropriately, effectively, and equitably to issues of sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex.
Maintaining a Safe and Respectful Campus, is a required training for all employees upon hire and every two years thereafter. For more information about this training and other educational opportunities, please visit the Title IX Compliance.
Jackie W. Moran, JD
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Title IX
The Assistant Director of the Youth Compliance Program is responsible for this focus area.
The University of Florida is committed to providing an enriching experience for youth engaged in both in-person and virtual activities associated with the University by providing program registration, educational resources, and compliance guidance via Youth Compliance Services.
All University of Florida-affiliated youth programs are responsible for ensuring that any program employees, volunteers, and other individuals directly in contact with minors under the age of 18 successfully complete an annual training offered by the University of Florida.
For more information about the training, please visit the Youth Protection Training (course number YCS800) webpage.
Sophia Andrews, MS, Assistant Director, Youth Compliance or 352-294-8720