Tech Resolutions For a Safer 2022

Published on
January 10, 2022

Posted in
UF Reminders

(Excerpts from UFIT News)

Staying cyber secure is a great new year resolution that won’t have you counting calories or committing to more exercise!  By adopting some of the resolutions below, the UF community can make a huge difference to their overall cybersecurity safety (also known as your “security posture”).  Enhance your cyber footprint security by:

  • Changing compromised passwords and creating different passwords for each account. Check for compromised passwords at
  • Activating multi-factor authentication (MFA) on critical accounts like email, banking, and social media. Find which sites you use support MFA by visiting
  • Deleting old social media accounts and other accounts you no longer use.
  • Reviewing privacy and security settings annually on social media accounts and other sites at least once a year.
  • Removing unused apps from mobile devices. Unused apps are like unused accounts–they store information that can be used against you if they’re compromised.
  • Creating a guest network for visitors to your home. If you have smart devices like Ring or Nest, consider creating a guest network for those items. Then if the smart devices get compromised, your home network will still be protected.
  • Thoroughly delete (“wipe”) all electronic devices before donating or disposing, or have them shredded by a trusted vendor. UF Surplus manages the secure disposalof electronic media and electronic waste of university technology.

For more ways to be cybersafe in 2022, check out the email safety and computer protection boxes on UF’s Information Security Office website homepage.